LinkStar-STX3 Software
This web page contains all the links to the latest publicly available software builds and links to the software builds, plus tools, "how to's", and resources to help with your LinkStar-STX3 radio system and related equipment.
Access To The LinkStar-STX3 Computer, the BeagleBone Black
The "brains" of the LinkStar-STX3 is a modified "industrial" BeagleBone Black, or "BBB". All the necessary software has been installed on your BBB. Your LinkStar-STX3-ME and LinkStar-STX3-719 come shipped with a USB cord attached to the microUSB port on the BBB. MAKE SURE THE USB CABLE IS FIRMLY CONNECTED TO THE BBB AND YOUR COMPUTER. You can communicate with the LinkStar-STX3 via the USB cord connected to your MacOS™, Windows™ PC or Linux based computer. You will need to install the following drivers for the Windows and MacOS based computers:
On Windows 64 bit, install this: http://beagleboard.org/static/Drivers/Windows/BONE_D64.exe
Windows 32 bit, install this: http://beagleboard.org/static/Drivers/Windows/BONE_DRV.exe
Some Windows 8 and 10 installations are having have problems due to the Driver Signal Verification. This can be mitigated by following the steps on this link: Disable Driver Signal Verification
There are two things to install when using a Mac, the network driver which is here: http://beagleboard.org/static/Drivers/MacOSX/RNDIS/HoRNDIS.pkg and the serial driver which is here: http://beagleboard.org/static/Drivers/MacOSX/FTDI/FTDI_Ser.dmg
Restart your computer once the installation has completed.
Once the drivers are installed open Network from System Preferences and you should see your BBB showing up as a network connection.