Think, Create, Build, Apply
Welcome to the home of the LinkStar radio system and the QuickSat software suite! Our cutting-edge products can be found on land, at sea, in the air and in space! The products we develop and the projects we lead are carried out by a group of talented engineers who want to transform our communities. With everything we design and implement at sci_Zone, we always try to make sure we bring the latest technologies to our customers. We’re based in Holland, Michigan and have been happily innovating since 2003.
Offering Solutions That Make A Difference!
Connect with the World!
sci_Zone provides a range of communications tools and integrated systems utilizing our cloud based architecture providing vehicle and machine-to-machine (M2M) solutions for sophisticated Internet of Things (IoT), tracking, monitoring, and system control applications. LinkStar is a complete satellite radio system powered by Globalstar™, the world’s most modern satellite network.
LinkStar can be integrated for use in a wide range of applications including satellites, near space payloads, drones, liquid petroleum gas (LPG) tanks, water tanks, pipelines, electricity, meters, cars, trucks, boats and sea or land containers.
Our LinkStar systems are flexible for prototyping and field testing, and can be modified for a range of custom solutions. sci_Zone can assist your firm with the software and hardware development, testing, FCC certification, and manufacturing.
Turnkey Communications For Satellites
LinkStar is a space qualified radio system utilizing the advanced GlobalStarâ„¢ satellite network that can be used on a full range of satellites including CubeSATs and MicroSATs to large satellites and launch vehicles. LinkStar provides both simplex and duplex based communications, using as little as 350mW of power! When used with the QuickSAT/VMS communications and flight management environment you can not only define the operations of your radio, you will be insured your data is secure from your satellite to ground station. When LinkStar is tied in with the QuickSAT environment for the ground you will have added flexibility in visualizing your data on your ground control station, all through a secure VPN link. LinkStar - revolutionary and reliable communications for your satellite!

Satellite Flight Management for the rest of us!
Now that you have built your satellite you need to manage it and talk to it! The QuickSAT Vehicle Management System (VMS) is your flight management, and communications and monitoring gateway. QuickSAT/VMS allows you to upload your vehicle's configuration information such as parameters, systems and network definition. When used with QuickSAT/Xen hypervisor you can upload virtual payloads, operational modes, conditions and hosted payload information. QuickSAT/VMS also allows you to monitor vehicle activity, plot live and saved data, support vehicle testing and save the results. QuickSAT/VMS is web based, so you can run it off not only your laptop but also your iPad! The QuickSAT/VMS architecture can be used on spacecraft, boats and automobiles!

Where Ideas Become Reality
Do you need that IoT app to monitor a truck in your fleet? Do you need to track the performance of your pipeline? Looking to add to your flight software development team? Do you require custom cloud based solutions? Contact the pros at sci_Zone!
sci_Zone has over 15 years experience in developing software for a range of projects including software certified under DO178B, vehicle tracking and heath monitoring systems, flight management software for cubesats, and software for a range of test platforms. We also have developed tools for iOSâ„¢ and Androidâ„¢ to support a range of IoT platforms.
We can also develop custom cloud and IoT based solutions for your LinkStar radio system to meet your unique needs. Want to monitor tanks located remotely in the field from your iPhoneâ„¢ - we can do that! We can also develop the custom hardware to meet your software needs.
Give us a call today!
We offer a wide variety of engineering services across industries.


United States Special Operations Command

GE Aviation

Air Force Research Labs


Auburn University

Carthage College

New Mexico State University

University of South Alabama

US Naval Academy